Federal Lands to Parks Program Change of Use at Nathan Hale Park Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to amend the Program of Utilization agreement between the NPS and the City of Parma for Nathan Hale Park. The agreement with the deed forms the contract by which the property was conveyed and with which the grantee must comply. A Grantee may propose an amendment to the Program of Utilization (POU) for a public recreation use that is different than the original recreation use in the original application for the property. Any amendments for different recreation use must be approved by NPS. The City requested to change its use of six to nine acres of the 25-acre Nathan Hale Park for a multi-use project combining a naturalized stormwater retention basin with new and replacement recreational resources for the community. This amendment to the park's POU would allow the construction of a stormwater retention pond with a surrounding path, gazebo, and certain replacement park amenities.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 20, 2021 - Sep 21, 2021
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