Wetland Statement of Findings - Mile Creek Road Realignment and Bridge Construction

Wetland Statement of Findings (WSOF) for the Mile Creek Road Realignment and Bridge Construction project at Grand Portage National Monument.

In compliance with NPS Procedural Manual #77-1: Wetland Protection, this document was available for public review for 30 days. The accompanying environmental assessment (EA) was open for public review concurrently with the WSOF.

A wetland delineation was completed in 2021, which identified 0.76 acres of Type 6 (riverine and palustrine scrub/shrub and forested) wetland in the vicinity of the project area. Wetlands that could be impacted by the proposed road realignment project (0.33 acres) are shown in Figure 6 of the WSOF. As compensation for these impacts, invasive species would be removed from 5.4 acres of wetlands in the park.

Comment Period: Closed        Feb 2, 2023 - Mar 4, 2023
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