1994 DRAFT EIS for Foothills Parkway Section 8D

This is the DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) that was completed in 1994. This DEIS was not finalized nor was a Record of Decision signed. Due to its age, the analysis is outdated and the NPS did not rely on the contents of this document for completion of the 2024 Environmental Assessment (EA). The NPS is also not tiering the EA from the DEIS. The analysis within the EA reflects updated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental regulations, policies, and guidance, resource surveys, improved road building technologies and methods, lessons learned from construction within karst topography, listings of threatened and endangered species, changes within the natural and built environments. The 1994 DEIS is being made available to the public in response to requests during public comment periods and public meetings. The NPS is not requesting public comments on the 1994 DEIS.
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