Comment period closes
Dec 6, 2024
at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in
Days, Hours, Min.

Piney Branch Tunnel Project Environmental Assessment

The Environmental Assessment (EA) describes the proposed DC Water Piney Branch sewer tunnel project, which aims to capture and temporarily store sewage overflows into Piney Branch and Rock Creek during storms, then send the captured stormwater will be treated at Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant before being safely discharged.

There are two Alternatives Described in the Environmental Assessment: 1) No-Action Alternative: The current sewer system would continue operating as it does, resulting in ongoing environmental degradation with no improvements. 2)
Proposed Action Alternative: The construction of a 2,200-foot-long tunnel to store a minimum of 4.2 million gallons of stormwater and sewage, significantly reducing untreated discharges and protecting local water quality. The plan also includes a comprehensive restoration effort with tree replacements and site improvements following construction.

The environmental impacts of each alternative are outlined in the EA, which examines the effects on local wildlife, park resources to include trees, and visitor experiences.
Comment Period: Oct 15, 2024 - Dec 6, 2024
Comment period closes Dec 6, 2024 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in:
Days, Hours, Min.
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