2008 Programmatic Agreement for Section 106 Compliance

On November 14th, the National Park Service, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) signed a new programmatic agreement for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. This agreement updates the 1995 programmatic agreement to provide for streamlined compliance with Section 106 and add information on consultation with tribes.

Also included is a commitment from the NPS to create and provide training for superintendents and staff who deal with Section 106 compliance.

In her remarks before the ACHP, Director Bomar said, "Training for our superintendents, especially those new to the position, is critical. Coming from the field, I know that training is critical before you make a decision on 106 issues."

Director Bomar thanked Associate Director for Cultural Resources Jan Matthews, National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Program Manager Sherry Hutt and 106 Compliance Coordinator Caroline Hall for their work on the agreement. She also thanked the reviewers for the final document, including the National Conference of SHPOs Board of Directors, key individuals at the ACHP and the NPS Regional Directors, whose personal involvement in the process was highlighted by both Director Bomar and members of the ACHP.
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