Additional Environmental Information and Maps

The project would consist of installation of a 54 x 60 foot
(3240 square foot) pre-engineered steel building in the partially
disturbed area adjacent to the park's current maintenance building (see
attached location map). This would involve installation of a 54x40 foot
concrete pad directly underneath the building and a 50 foot
(approximately) gravel driveway leading from the current maintenance lot
to the new building. It would also involve removal of nearly 1/3 of an
acre of partially disturbed forest vegetation. The project area is
approximately 210 feet from an intermittent stream to the west which
drains into a temporarily/seasonally flooded wetland area to the
southwest.. The building would serve primarily as covered storage space
for maintenance equipment that currently sits uncovered inside a fenced
maintenance yard.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 29, 2009 - Feb 27, 2009
Document Content:
Project Location   (2.0 MB, Image file)
Project Location 2   (1.9 MB, Image file)
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