100% Site Drawings & Cost Estimates

100% Construction Documents Afterbay North River Launch & 3 Mile Sites
Comment Period: Closed        Mar 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011
Topic Questions Instructions:
The project schedule is currently to work on both sites sequentially to avoid a total closure. Each site will require an approximately 2 week closure. Please number your responses to match the corresponding question.
Topic Questions:
1. Would you like to see the work preformed concurrently to reduce the construction time? This would require both sites to be closed approximately 3 weeks with only a temporary boat launch downstream on the South side of the current Afterbay River Launch.
2. Would you like to see the work preformed sequentially as currently planned? This would require both sites to be closed approximately 2 weeks with a temporary boat launch downstream on the South side of the current Afterbay River Launch during its closure.
3. During the period between May 16, 2011 and September 30, 2011 what 3 to 4 week period would impact you the least.
Document Content:
Site Drawings   (459.5 KB, PDF file)
Cost Estimates   (73.9 KB, PDF file)
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