Finding of No Significant Impact

The National Park Service (NPS) recently prepared an Environmental Assessment to examine alternative actions and environmental impacts associated with the proposed project to mitigate continuing erosion and stabilize the bluff adjacent to the Texas Memorial (memorial) and Railroad Redoubt earthworks in Vicksburg National Military Park. The purpose of the EA was to evaluate stabilization to prevent further erosion and protect the memorial and adjacent fortification. Stabilization is needed because of the ongoing loss of highly erodible soils. The bluff has eroded such that it is now dangerously close to the historic structures. Further erosion could damage historic resources and affect visitor safety and the operation of the Kansas City Southern rail line adjacent to the project area.

The National Park Service is pleased to announce the availability of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Stabilization of the Railroad Redoubt and Texas Memorial. The NPS has selected Alternative 2: Stabilization with a Soldier Pile Wall for implementation. The NPS will now move forward with implementing the selected alternative.
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