Proposed Approval of Planned Patio

Green Springs National Historic Landmark District » Proposed Approval of Planned Patio » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) invites review of and comment on its proposed determination of No Adverse Effect to Historic Properties by (and thus its proposed approval of) a project planned and to be funded and implemented by the owners of a property in the Green Springs National Historic Landmark District, Louisa County, Virginia: installation of a slate-surfaced, brick-bordered patio measuring 27 x 30 feet in area, raised from the existing grade 1 1/2 inches, and situated in the rear (east) yard of the main house there. The patio surface would have a slight pitch for drainage.

Under most of patio's surface—to be covered with slate and resting atop a concrete foundation—its installation would necessitate ground-disturbance to a depth of 6 inches. The remainder of the patio's surface—a brick border, one-brick thick, with the bricks set vertically or "sailor" fashion—attached to and flush with the slate (and likewise rising 1 ½ inches above existing grade)—would necessitate ground-disturbance to a depth of 6 1/2 inches.

For further details, see the information packet, "proposed backyard-patio Green Springs NHLD" in the Document List, at upper left on this webpage. The information packet includes location map, site-plan, photo of color and texture of proposed slate-surface, mapping of Area of Potential Effect, and site photographs.

The NPS reviews the owner's plan (the review constituting the Federal undertaking) under the terms of a 1973, NPS-managed conservation easement. Stipulation 2 of the restrictions-section of the easement states that the property owner may propose new structures "appropriately incidental to a single-family dwelling," and that construction may occur if "the prior written approval of the Grantee [NPS] to such action shall have been obtained." Stipulation 2 also states that proposed structures must "in the opinion of the Grantee, be in keeping with the historic character of the manor house, its setting and the Character of the Green Springs Historic District." The NPS review is limited to the scope and terms of the easement, and does not also address any additional reviews, requirements, or restrictions of Louisa County or other authorities, such as those of the county Code of Ordinances.

Identification of Historic Properties: the National Register of Historic Places nomination for the Green Springs National Historic Landmark District describes this property and 34 other farmsteads as possessing "Outstanding" contributing status to the Landmark District. Specifically for the main house on this property, the National Register states, "Exemplary of the late nineteenth century 'Stick Style,'" the main house "utilizes turned finials and brackets at the ridge and eave lines of the cross gables" (N.R. Nomination Form, continuation page 19).

Area of Potential Effect (green rectangle on site-plan in information packet): the area of potential effect is composed of the main house; the kitchen; and the rear (east) yard of the main house, site of the physical footprint of the proposed patio, which is also bordered by the kitchen, trees, and other vegetation shown as shown on the aerial photograph/site-plan in the attached information packet.

After evaluation by its National Historic Preservation Act advisers for historic landscape architecture and archeology, the NPS proposes a determination of No Adverse Effect for the proposed patio. With a rise of only 1 1/2 inches above existing grade, a location in the rear yard of the main house (with views of it from the yard limited by existing trees and other vegetation and by the kitchen), and a gray/earth-tone surface, the patio would not be visible from nearly all of the property, excepting from the rear (east) windows of the main house, the west windows of the kitchen, and from short distances in the rear yard. The patio would not require walls, fences, roofs, or other structures, nor above-ground or buried utilities or drainage features. The patio would necessitate minimal excavation, to the 6-6 ½-inch depths described above. It would not attach physically to either the existing manor house, kitchen, or other structure.

Comment may be offered on the information in the packet and on the proposed NPS response via the postal address listed with the attached information-packet, the telephone-contact given below, or by clicking the "Document List" link at upper left, then clicking on the document itself.

Contact Information

Noel Harrison,
Manager of Easements