Rehabilitate Sunset Beach Education Center Deck, Exterior Doors and Water Line

Lewis and Clark National Historic Park » Rehabilitate Sunset Beach Education Center Deck, Exterior Doors and Water Line » Document List

Rehabilitate the Sunset Beach Education Center deck, and water line.

This project includes the rehabilitation of the primary deck, comprised of a total of 2,700 square foot decking, stairs, and railing.

This project rehab of doorway thresholds to to meet accessibility guidelines. Work includes replacement of all rotted deck structural components. Work includes refurbishment of exterior doors accessed by the deck and replacement of rotted thresholds, hinges and jambs.

Additional work includes replacement of 1,617 LF of 2" water distribution line from the city meter to the Education Center. Working with the USPHS office in Seattle after a site inspection in 2020 it was recommended to complete a total replacement of the water system distribution line with a line that meets Directors Order 80 (DO80) requirements for NPS drinking water. It was identified that the water line passes through a small lake in its route to the building, and pressure loss indicate leaks which can not be located. The required chlorine residual can not be maintained as required by DO 80 and is a significant concern. Work includes all installation components of the waterline, shutoff valves, meter, and associated appurtenances. The water line section passing through the lake will be abandoned and re routed then bedded to code in the causeway under the driveway.

The new waterline route will follow the gravel driveway from the city main to the christy box on the west side of the SDEC structure. The route will likely stay on the south side of the driveway.

Work is to be lead by NPS lead tradesman, Pathways Youth, Youth Corps and contract.

Contact Information

Jodi Vollmer, Acting Facilities Manager, 503-861-4437