Cedar Breaks Ranger Station EA

Cedar Breaks National Monument » Cedar Breaks Ranger Station EA » Document List

Superintendent Paul Roelandt announces the signing of the Finding of No Significant Impact for the construction of the new ranger station at Cedar Breaks National Monument. The FONSI was signed by the Mike Snyder, the Intermountain Regional Director, on February 24, 2010.

The new ranger station will serve both visitors and Cedar Breaks employees. The building will be about 2,500-square-feet and will include employee workspace, a multipurpose room for meetings and visitor programs, visitor restrooms, a reception area, and storage.

Much of the building will be prefabricated off-site. This work could begin as early as April 2010. On-site work and including the foundation will begin as soon as the site is accessible – likely June 2010. Installation of the prefabricated portions of the building could begin in July 2010. It is anticipated that the building and site work could be completed in September or October 2010.