Las Imagenes Visitor Center Area Improvements Environmental Assessment

Petroglyph National Monument » Las Imagenes Visitor Center Area Improvements Environmental Assessment » Document List

Petroglyph National Monument is proposing to construct an amphitheater with associated trails and infrastructure improvements including visitor and employee access trails, drainage correction and landscaping. The facility is co-located on approximately 1.75 acres at 4735 Unser Blvd. NW. The proposed projects will address current visitor needs, health and safety and drainage issues and enhance the visitor experience.

All of the projects fall within the existing footprint of previous areas of disturbance. Access to the project area will be via pre-established dirt roads. Ground disturbance will be limited to previously disturbed areas. The following is a list of the proposed projects: construction of the amphitheater facility; construction of a trail from the visitor center parking lot to the amphitheater, with buried utilities (water and electrical power) underneath or immediately adjacent to the trail; rehabilitation of the area surrounding the amphitheater, including re-vegetation, restoring the grade and drainage; construction of a pedestrian trail between the Visitor Center and Lava Shadows; construction of French-type drain and/or a stem wall behind the Lava Shadows Annex; and rehabilitation of the area surrounding the Lava Shadows Annex to address ADA compliance issues.

This Environmental Assessment evaluates two alternatives; a No Action Alternative and the Preferred Alternative. The No Action alternative is used as a baseline assessment, while the Preferred Alternative addresses the completion of the projects. This Environmental Assessment has been prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide the decision-making framework that 1) analyzes a reasonable range of alternatives to meet project objectives, 2) evaluates potential issues and impacts to Petroglyph National Monument's resources and values, and 3) identifies mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of these impacts. Park operations and visitor experience are the only two topics that are being addressed in this document because the resultant impact may be greater than minor. All other resource topics have been dismissed because the project will result in negligible or minor effects to those resources. No major effects are anticipated as a result of this project.

Contact Information

Joseph Sanchez, PhD
Petroglyph National Monument
6001 Unser Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(505) 899-0205