Understanding Preservation Issues within Wilderness Areas

North Cascades National Park Service Complex » Understanding Preservation Issues within Wilderness Areas » Document List

Dear Friends,

This website includes materials developed in support of the education session "Understanding Preservation Issues within Wilderness Areas" for the 2012 National Preservation Conference in Spokane Washington.

Abstract: Cultural resources, including historic buildings and structures, cultural landscapes, traditional cultural properties and archeological sites are found in wilderness areas. Often, they are important components of the wilderness and its character, and tell a human story. This session will provide an overview of the legislative development of the Wilderness Act as well as synopsis of the qualities associated with wilderness character. This information will provide a basis for understanding National Park Service policies regarding the stewardship of cultural resources in wilderness areas and the relationship between these values and the NHPA. Through case study examples, this session will also provide insight into the challenges associated with the management of cultural resources in several wilderness areas located in Olympic National Park and North Cascades National Park Service Complex, which pose many operational, philosophical, and pragmatic questions for both natural and cultural resource managers.

For more information, please refer to the "Document List" at left. Here you will have access to the three powerpoint presentations from the session, and a whitepaper which summarizes the key points and "lessons to take home" from these talks.

Thank you for your interest in preserving the magnificent cultural resources found in federally desiginated wilderness areas.

Contact Information

Cortney Gjesfjeld, NPS Pacific West Region, Historical Landscape Architect, 206-220-4134