Bighorn Canyon Proposed Campground Fee Modification

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area » Bighorn Canyon Proposed Campground Fee Modification » Document List

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area is proposing a modification to camping fees, beginning in May, 2015. (This proposal is part of a larger National Park Service (NPS) effort underway across the nation. Beginning in 2015, parks are authorized to change recreation fees to align with the NPS's new standard fee schedule, which was last updated in 2006.)

Bighorn Canyon is proposing to increase the camping fee for sites at Horseshoe Bend with water and electrical hook-ups, also known as utilities sites, from $15 per night to $20 per night. The park is proposing a flat rate of $10 per night for the remaining front-country campsites without water and electricity at Horseshoe Bend, Trail Creek/Barry's Landing, Afterbay, and Grapevine Creek. All boat in only sites would remain free of charge.

While other parks are also looking at increasing entrance fees, Bighorn Canyon will not be increasing these fees. Bighorn Canyon entrance fees will remain at the current rates: Bighorn Canyon Daily Pass, $5; Bighorn Canyon Annual Pass $30. The fees for interagency passes will be unchanged by this proposal and will remain at the current rates: Annual Pass, $80; Lifetime Senior Pass, $10; Lifetime Access Pass, free; Annual Military Pass, free.

Over 80 percent of fee revenues are reinvested directly back into Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Recently funded projects include a new historic ranch exhibit at the Bighorn Canyon Visitor Center in Lovell and improvements to the amphitheater in the Afterbay Campground at Fort Smith.

Future revenues from the proposed modification will be used to enhance visitor services including maintenance of park facilities, additional upgrades to campgrounds, restoration of historic buildings and landscapes, and additional park interpretive and educational programs.

Bighorn Canyon will be taking public comments until February 10, 2015. Those who wish to comment on proposed campground fee modification may enter comments online at the National Park Service website Planning, Environmental and Public Comment Site ( or may mail comments to Christiann Tillman, Fee Coordinator at Bighorn Canyon NRA, P.O. Box 7458, Fort Smith, MT 59035 or email comments to

Contact Information

Christiann Tillman, Fee Coordinator
Bighorn Canyon NRA
P.O. Box 7458
Fort Smith, MT 59035
Tel: 406-666-3321