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Install Wildlife Fence around Kennels - 2020 redesign

Denali National Park and Preserve » Install Wildlife Fence around Kennels - 2020 redesign » Document List

After several incidents with moose interacting aggressively with dogs in the dogyard and evolving standards of safe sled dog kennel operation it is recommended that a moose proof fence be installed around the historic kennels dogyard to keep potentially hazardous wildlife (or people) out.

Fencing the perimeter of the dogyard is the preferred solution for the following reasons:

• Ease of installation of fencing
• 4 Easy-to-move gates across pathways/ sled trails allow multiple points of ingress and egress during work hours and emergencies
• Moose can move easily around perimeter and should have no reason to enter fenced area. In rare case of entrapment, gates are wide and placed in corners so that moose will have space and visuals to exit
• Minimal vegetation inside fenced areas to tempt moose
• Dogs retain ability to socialize and play with each other on tethers as opposed to separating into all individual pens
• Visitors and staff can still interact with dogs inside fenced enclosure, staff can easily close off walkways to the public to prevent human/dog interaction
• Visitors will walk through open areas of the dogyard with no bottlenecks

Additionally, this fence configuration is in keeping with the historic character of the kennels.

To ensure the work conforms to the historic character of the kennels and meets other project needs, construction specifications include:

• Use 5"-6" wooden log vertical support posts.
• Use 6" vertical fencing on two new fenced areas, not chain link, to reduce visual impact of additional fencing on area.
• New fence height can match existing pens (~7 feet tall) to keep consistent appearance.
• Gates that meet ADA width requirements and accommodate kennels staff, dog walker, and summer crowd flow safely.

This project will also involve brushing around the kennels fence perimeter to reduce vegetation that is attractive to moose and to further improve the safety of the kennels operation. Brushing will be consistent with the Routine brushing and clearing around buildings and facilities programmatic approval described in PEPC# 73818 and the Hazardous Vegetative Fuel Treatment Plan, PEPC# 49928.

Outdoor lighting and a webcam at the kennels may be installed and upgraded concurrently with fence installation. If installed, the exterior lighting will follow the recommendations of the Historic District CLR and will address dark night sky issues. Assessments will be made over winter 2020-2021 to determine if the two existing light poles are adequate, or if one additional pole is needed in the western end of the yard. The web cam would be small (less than 6" diameter), mounted on the new fenced area, and would be painted to match the fencing; it would be mounted in such a way as to minimize its appearance. Electrical outlets or water spigots, if moved or constructed, will follow the recommendations of the CLR.