CSAH17/Mile Creek Road Realignment and Bridge Construction

Grand Portage National Monument » CSAH17/Mile Creek Road Realignment and Bridge Construction » Document List

Cook County, Minnesota and the Grand Portage Band (the Band) of Lake Superior Chippewa (Ojibwe), in partnership with Grand Portage National Monument (the park), propose to realign a segment of Mile Creek Road / County State Aid Highway 17 (CSAH 17) and construct a new bridge across Grand Portage Creek. The purpose of this project is to reduce the hazard caused by a blind curve, eliminate traffic and plowing impacts on an existing historic bridge, and increase pedestrian access.

An Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide a decision-making framework as follows: 1) Assess a reasonable range of alternatives to meet the purpose of the proposed action; 2) Evaluate potential issues and impacts to the natural and cultural resources of the park; and 3) Identify required mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of any potential adverse environmental impacts.

The EA evaluated two alternatives, Alternative A: No Action, and Alternative B: County Road 17 Re-Route (Preferred Alternative). Under Alternative A, the road would not be realigned. Under Alternative B, an existing blind curve would be removed, a portion of the original asphalt would be left in place as a walking path, and the road would be re-routed across a new bridge. The alternatives are described in detail in Chapter 2.

This EA identified the categories of resources, or Impact Topics, found within the project area that are most likely to be affected by the actions described in each alternative. These topics underwent a detailed analysis by agency staff to determine the most likely effects on the resources, and the mitigations required to avoid resource damage. The Impact Topics are identified in section 1.5 of the EA document and in Table 1. The EA was open for public review and comment from February 2 to March 4, 2023.

The NPS has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), and Alternative B was the selected alternative. This alternative best meets the project purpose and need, which is to reduce the hazard caused by a blind curve on CSAH 17, eliminate traffic and plowing impacts on the historic bridge, and increase pedestrian access. The existing road alignment does not conform to MnDOT guidelines for minimum bend radius, and the selected alternative would correct this deficiency and improve public safety. The selected alternative also provides protection for the historic stone bridge by closing it to vehicular traffic and retaining it as a pedestrian route.

Grand Portage National Monument
170 Mile Creek Road
PO Box 426
Grand Portage, MN 55605