Minimize Erosion on the Upper Company Creek Road (2007)

North Cascades National Park Service Complex » Minimize Erosion on the Upper Company Creek Road (2007) » Document List

In 2007, the National Park Service prepared an Environmental Assessment to evaluate the impacts of minimizing further damage to the Upper Company Creek Road in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area from flood scouring and river erosion.

The Environmental Assessment for this proposal considered two alternatives: (A) No Action—Continue Current Management and (B) Preferred Alternative—Minimize Erosion with Bank Barbs and Bioengineering (Proposed Action). Alternative B included the following actions:

1. Construct four bank barbs using about 100 cubic yards of large angular rock. (Bank barbs are instream rock structures used to deflect current away from an eroding bank, and to reduce erosion by decreasing the velocity of streamflow adjacent to the bank.)
2. Place large woody debris between the barbs.
3. Densely plant native vegetation along approximately 500 linear feet of shoreline.
4. Place an additional 100 cubic yards of large angular rock between the barbs and amongst the woody debris to anchor the materials.

In November 2007, the Regional Director of the National Park Service Pacific West Region signed the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)/decision document for this EA, identifying Alternative B as the selected alternative for implementation.

Enclosed within the "document list" of this webpage is the full environmental assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact.

Contact Information

Jon Riedel, Geologist