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Kingman Lake Wetland Enhancement and Restoration Project
National Capital Parks - East » Kingman Lake Wetland Enhancement and Restoration Project » Document List
The goals of this project to enhance and restore the Kingman Lake wetland include:
Restore habitat for American black duck, striped bass, American shad, river herring, and various freshwater mussel species;
Promote natural floodplain and fringe wetland reconnection;
Increase native submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds and freshwater mussel beds;
Provide nature-based solutions to minimize shoreline erosion; and
Provide resilience to climate change impacts.
Contact Information
Ariel Trahan, DC DOEE, (202) 465-5749Hannah Thomas, NPS, (202) 354-2206
Mikaila Milton, NPS, (202) 407-5267