GMP Implementation Environmental Assessment

Devils Tower National Monument » GMP Implementation Environmental Assessment » Document List

The National Park Service is reviewing a proposed plan to implement the 2002 Devils Tower National Monument General Management Plan (GMP). The park proposes to implement some actions outlined in the 2002 GMP while retaining specific visitor service areas that were identified for removal in that plan. The proposed actions will result in increased visitor satisfaction, continue to provide existing popular visitor services, address the issue of vehicular congestion with adjacent business owners at the park entrance, and increase visitor knowledge of park resources and issues.

The purpose of the analysis is twofold: 1) to comply with applicable laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act, and 2) to determine whether the proposed actions will have any adverse environmental effects if implemented.

As the superintendent of Devils Tower National Monument, I invite you to participate in this scoping process.


Dorothy FireCloud

Contact Information

Devils Tower National Monument
P.O. Box 10
Devils TOwer, WY 82714