Proposed Camping Fee Rate Increase

Dinosaur National Monument » Proposed Camping Fee Rate Increase » Document List

In 1908 Mount Rainier became the first park to collect park visitor fees and the first park to admit automobiles. Today, the Federal Lands and Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) allows the NPS to collect and retain revenue and requires that fee revenue be used to enhance the visitor experience. Out of the 424 units in the NPS, 109 parks charge an entrance fee and another 153 parks collect entrance and/or expanded amenity fees for activities such as camping, boating, interpretive tours, and more.

As authorized by FLREA (16 U.S.C. 6801-6814; P.L. 108-447, Division J, Title VIII), expanded amenity fees, formerly known as use fees, are assessed when the visitor uses a specific or specialized facility, equipment, or service. Examples of expanded amenity fees include but are not limited to: camping (tent, trailer and RV sites), use of sanitary dump stations, boat launch, boat rentals, movies, swimming pools, theatre programs, enhanced interpretive program or special tours, group day use areas, audio tour devices, binoculars, or other equipment.

The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public input on proposed increases to camping fees at Dinosaur National Monument. The proposed fee increases are based on comparability studies done with surrounding private and public facilities.

Green River Campground
Current High Season Rate - $18 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $9
Current Off-Season Rate - NA Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - NA
Proposed High Season Rate - $24 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $12
Proposed Off Season Rate - NA Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - NA

Split Mountain Group Campground
Current High Season Rate - $40 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $40 (no discount)
Current Off-Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $3
Proposed High Season Rate - $40 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $40
Proposed Off-Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $6

Rainbow Park Campground
Current High Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $3
Current Off-Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $3
Proposed High Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $6
Proposed Off Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $6

Echo Park Campground
Current High Season Rate - $10 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $5
Current Off-Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $3
Proposed High Season Rate - $14 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $7
Proposed Off-Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $6

Echo Park Group Site
Current High Season Rate - $15 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $15
Current Off-Season Rate - $15 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $15
Proposed High Season Rate - $25 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $25
Proposed Off-Season Rate - $15 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $15

Deerlodge Park Campground
Current High Season Rate - $10 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $5
Current Off-Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $3
Proposed High Season Rate - $14 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $7
Proposed Off-Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $6

Gates of Lodore Campground
Current High Season Rate - $10 Current Senior/Access High Season Rate - $5
Current Off-Season Rate - $6 Current Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $3
Proposed High Season Rate - $14 Proposed Senior/Access High Season Rate - $7
Proposed Off-Season Rate - $12 Proposed Senior/Access Off-Season Rate - $6

Comparability studies are done on a regular basis to compare rates and amenities at area private and public campgrounds to ensure that the National Park Service is not unfairly competing with nearby private businesses or putting them at a disadvantage. Camping fees at Dinosaur National Monument were last increased in 2016.

To provide feedback about the proposed camping fee changes please submit your comments here on the PEPC website. You can also send comments to with "proposed camping fees" in the subject line by June 1, 2024. Feedback the monument receives will help determine how and when camping fee increases may be implemented.

Contact Information

Dan Johnson, (435) 781-7700