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National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior

Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park 

Date: 07/15/2011 

Categorical Exclusion Form

Project: Glass Addition to Airplane Hangar
PEPC Project Number: 37001
Project Description:

2010 Amendment to park's GMP identified the airplane hangar as an appropriate structure to house exhibits and significant interpretive media. Since 2008 the Hangar has been used as a visitor information center and origination point for tours of the Texas White House.

Initial exhibit and display designs quickly identified the need for more exhibit space and park management chose to pursue an extension of the hangar under the raised north wall-door. The extension will add approximately 1,300 square feet of enclosed space. In communicating with the SHPO during the GMP amendment process they acknowledged park management's desire to enlarge the building and requested final plans when they were developed.

The north wall-door of the airplane hangar will be raised to its fully open position and brought to rest on the steel poles originally designed to support the door when open. An engineered, pre-manufactured steel and glass structure will be attached to the hangar providing 1,300 square feet of additional exhibit space in the Hangar. The addition structure is designed to provide maximum viewing of the opened hangar door and north view of the ranch landscape.

Project Locations:








Geo. Marker:



  • No mitigations identified.

Describe the category used to exclude action from further NEPA analysis and indicate the number of the category (see Section 3-4 of DO-12):

C.18  Construction of minor structures, including small improved parking lots, in previously disturbed or developed areas.

On the basis of the environmental impact information in the statutory compliance file, with which I am familiar, I am categorically excluding the described project from further NEPA analysis.No exceptional circumstances (e.g. all boxes in the ESF are marked "no") or conditions in Section 3-6 apply, and the action is fully described in Section 3-4 of DO-12.



Russ Whitlock



NPS Contact:

Gus Sanchez

