Public Information Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
May 3, 2006 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Ryan Center Visitor Center
Floyd Bennett Field
Brooklyn, New York

The planning, analysis, and documentation of these studies has been completed in the Jamaica Bay Transportation Studies Development Concept Plan/Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect which is available on the NPS's Planning, Environment, and Public Comment web site ( for public review. In an effort to further inform the public and solicit input regarding the preferred solutions, the NPS and EFLHD will be hosting a public information session.

Representatives from the NPS, EFLHD and their consultants will be on hand to discuss the studies and answer questions. In addition, there will be handouts and displays regarding the four study areas. The displays will be supplemented by a presentation that will be given periodically throughout the session to fully explain the findings of these studies. The sessions will be in an open house format that allows for people to come and go at any point between the opening and closing hours. Regular park visitors, neighbors, organizational partners, government agencies and interested citizens are invited to attend.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Floyd Bennett Field is located off of Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn NY.

Public Information Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
May 4, 2006 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Jacob Riis Park Entrance Pavilion
Jacob Riis Park
Rockaway Beach Boulevard
Queens, New York
The planning, analysis, and documentation of these studies has been completed in the Jamaica Bay Transportation Studies Development Concept Plan/Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect which is available on the NPS's Planning, Environment, and Public Comment web site ( for public review. In an effort to further inform the public and solicit input regarding the preferred solutions, the NPS and EFLHD will be hosting a public information session.

Representatives from the NPS, EFLHD and their consultants will be on hand to discuss the studies and answer questions. In addition, there will be handouts and displays regarding the four study areas. The displays will be supplemented by a presentation that will be given periodically throughout the session to fully explain the findings of these studies. The sessions will be in an open house format that allows for people to come and go at any point between the opening and closing hours. Regular park visitors, neighbors, organizational partners, government agencies and interested citizens are invited to attend.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
The entrance pavillion is located at Jacob Riis Park just off of Rockaway Beach Boulevard in Queens NY, 11694.