Public Meeting 1
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 30, 2024 3:00 PM 5:00 PM Fire Station #6
39 Boulevard NE
Atlanta, Georgia

You are invited to attend a public meeting to hear more about the project, to speak with NPS representatives, and to provide your input for the planning process for the King Family Home. The NPS will hold two public meetings, and the information and format will be the same for both meetings. To attend a meeting, please see the information below:

The National Park Service (NPS) invites you to participate in the planning process for a project to prepare a site plan for the home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his family, known as the King Family Home. Through this project, the NPS seeks to develop long-term strategies to preserve and protect the King Family Home and provide opportunities for visitors to learn the story of Dr. King's life and legacy, including the family's connections to the Vine City neighborhood and their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.

Since acquiring the home in 2018, the NPS has worked to stabilize the aging home to protect the structure and important historic features. Now, the NPS seeks to explore visitor opportunities and develop long-term strategies for protecting the resource and minimizing impacts to the surrounding neighborhood.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Public Meeting 2
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 31, 2024 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Fulton County Neighborhood Union Health Center
186 Sunset Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia
You are invited to attend a public meeting to hear more about the project, to speak with NPS representatives, and to provide your input for the planning process for the King Family Home. The NPS will hold two public meetings, and the information and format will be the same for both meetings. To attend a meeting, please see the information below:
The National Park Service (NPS) invites you to participate in the planning process for a project to prepare a site plan for the home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his family, known as the King Family Home. Through this project, the NPS seeks to develop long-term strategies to preserve and protect the King Family Home and provide opportunities for visitors to learn the story of Dr. King's life and legacy, including the family's connections to the Vine City neighborhood and their contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.

Since acquiring the home in 2018, the NPS has worked to stabilize the aging home to protect the structure and important historic features. Now, the NPS seeks to explore visitor opportunities and develop long-term strategies for protecting the resource and minimizing impacts to the surrounding neighborhood.

Meeting Directions/Instructions: