A comment period for this project closes Feb 19, 2025:
Days, Hours, Min.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 13, 2025 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Hines Hill Conference Center
1403 West Hines Hill Road
Peninsula, Ohio 44264

In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.

An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Napoleon, Ohio
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 14, 2025 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Henry County Hospital Heller Community Room
1600 E Riverview
Napoleon, Ohio 43545
In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.
An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, Ohio
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 15, 2025 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretive Center
2380 Memorial Rd
Dayton, Ohio 45433
In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.
An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Cincinnati, Ohio
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 16, 2025 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Digital Futures Building, Level 1 Conference Room
3080 Exploration Avenue, Room 140
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206
In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.
An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Athens, Ohio
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 17, 2025 3:00 PM 6:00 PM Athens Community Center - Room B and C
701 E State St
Athens, Ohio 45701
In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.
An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jan 23, 2025 5:30 PM 6:30 PM EST Microsoft Teams
Online, X - Unknown or N/A
In these public meetings, NPS staff will share information about the study process, including the criteria used to evaluate the trail for inclusion in the National Trails System, and answer questions.
An important aspect of the study process is gathering information from the public about the trail, including determining the level of support locally and from the general public, and identifying any issues or concerns associated with this trail's potential inclusion in the National Trails System. The NPS will host five in-person public meetings and one virtual public meeting about the study.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Please join by posting this link in your browser: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NmFlMzcxNWItZGM2Zi00MzllLTkzMzgtZmIwMThjNjI3NjU4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%220693b5ba-4b18-4d7b-9341-f32f400a5494%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%22d1c7d0e9-c480-4e39-aa36-2b77c5b3f7c2%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%2C%22role%22%3A%22a%22%7D&btype=a&role=a