Public Meeting -- Final Draft EA Review
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Oct 8, 2009 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Old Log Community Building
58 Upper Road
Grand Portage, Minnesota

Please join us at the next public meeting Oct 8, 6:30 at the Old Log Community Building in Grand Portage to discuss the project, and to address any questions or concerns you might have.

Staff from the Monument, Band, and the environmental consultant will be on hand to answer questions, and comment sheets for submitting written comments will be available.

Please join us at the next public meeting Oct 8, 6:30 at the Old Log Community Building in Grand Portage to discuss the project, and to address any questions or concerns you might have.

Staff from the Monument, Band, and the environmental consultant will be on hand to answer questions, and comment sheets for submitting written comments will be available.

Large format maps of the project alternate areas, public comment sheets, and extra copies of the final draft environmental assessment will be available for participants. We want to hear from you!

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
please contact NPS Heritage Center in Grand Portage for directions to Old Log Community Building