EA Community Meeting, North Country National Scenic Trail, Itasca County
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jun 3, 2021 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Central Itasca Community College
Johnson Hall, Rooms 112 and 113
virtually via Zoom, https://bit.ly/3dxhu3G
Grand Rapids, Minnesota

The public is invited to participate in a community meeting regarding the draft EA on June 3, 2021 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM CST. There are two ways to attend the meeting:
1. in-person at Itasca Community College Johnson Hall, Rooms 112 and 113, Grand Rapids, MN (directions and map at https://www.itascacc.edu/about/directions-to-campus) OR
2. virtually via Zoom (https://bit.ly/3dxhu3G, passcode: NCT).

The in-person meeting will adhere to current COVID-19 guidelines. Representatives from the National Park Service (NPS), North Country Trail Association (NCTA), and Itasca County will be available to answer questions. Opportunities to submit written comments will be available at the meeting.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
1. in-person at Itasca Community College Johnson Hall, Rooms 112 and 113, Grand Rapids, MN (directions and map at https://www.itascacc.edu/about/directions-to-campus) OR
2. virtually via Zoom (https://bit.ly/3dxhu3G, passcode: NCT).

URL/Webinar link: