The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS), is developing alternatives for proposed improvements within the Miller Field Area of the Staten Island Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area. A northern access road is being proposed as well as improvements to the parking areas. Currently, park users coming from the north must drive several miles out of the way and enter the park from the south. Repairs are needed to improve access to the park and increase the parking capacity. As part of the planning and analysis, the FHWA and the NPS are preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the build and no-build alternatives for this proposal. The goal is to select the alternative that meets the project purpose and need with minimal impacts to the social, natural, and cultural environment.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Public Information Meeting, March 10, 2004
Step 2. Public Comment Period, March 10 thru April 10, 2004 *
Step 3. End Public Comment Period, April 10, 2004
Step 4. Environmental Assessment (EA) Available for Public Review, Summer 2004
Step 5. Compile Comments on EA, Summer 2004
Step 6. Issue Decision Document, Fall 2004
Step 7. Begin Construction, 2005

Public involvement is a critical part of the project planning and development process. The FHWA and the NPS consider public involvement essential to ensure that the action taken by the agencies provides the greatest benefit to the region by improving access, safety, increased mobility and preservation of the natural and cultural landscape of the area. It also offers an opportunity for individuals, representatives of civic groups, public agencies, and governing bodies to offer comments, submit written material, ask questions regarding the proposed project, as well as to become informed of the schedule for future events in the process. The intent of this process is to develop a design, which meets the project needs, yet minimizes adverse environmental and community impacts.