General management planning constitutes the first phase of a tiered planning and decision making process used by the National Park Service. Developed in consultation with service wide program managers, interested parties, and the general public, a General Management Plan (GMP) focuses on why the park was established and what resource conditions and visitor experiences should be achieved and maintained over time. The general management plan takes the long view, which may be projected many years into the future when dealing with the time frames of natural and cultural processes.

Public involvement in the planning process is encouraged in order to learn about the concerns, issues, expectations, and values of existing and potential visitors, park neighbors, people with traditional cultural ties to lands within the park, concessionaires, cooperating associations, other partners, scientists and scholars, and other government agencies. Through public involvement the National Park Service can share information about the planning process, issues, and proposed management actions; learn about the values placed by other people and groups on the same resources and visitor experiences; and build support among local publics, visitors, Congress, and others for implementing the recommendations in the final plan.

Current Status of the GMP - Management Alternatives Available for Comment

We would appreciate your comments on the preliminary management alternatives that will be presented during public meetings on May 2, 3, and 4. The alternatives are also described in GMP Newsletter No. 2, which is available by selecting "Documents and Links" on the menu to the left. Click on "GMP Newsletter No. 2" to open. You may then elect to comment on the document by submitting a form online.

The National Park Service appreciates your input into this planning process and looks forward to your feedback.