The environmental analysis for restoring interim access to the upper Queets River valley has been completed and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been approved by Regional Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. Alternative B, restore interim access on USFS and DNR Roads to the NPS back access road is the selected alternative.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Internal scoping with park experts and road engineers
Step 2. Define project purpose and need and develop preliminary alternatives
Step 3. Conduct external scoping
Step 4. Review scoping comments and refine alternatives
Step 5. Determine the environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 6. Prepare environmental assessment
Step 7. 30-day public review of environmental assessment
Step 8. Analyze public comments
Step 9. Prepare decision document
Step 10. Public notification of decision
Step 11. Implementation of Project *

Public access has been restored to the Queets area as of May 9, 2008.