Attend one of the public meetings on the draft alternatives. The National Park Service will answer questions and citizens will be invited to share their perspectives on the draft alternatives.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Scoping: Identify concerns, expectations, and values related to each park unit with input from the public, park partners, gov't. agencies, and other stakeholders - Spring 2009
Step 2. Develop Preliminary Alternatives: Outline different possible futures for each park unit and provide opportunities for review and comment by the public, park partners, government agencies, and other stakeholders. - Spring 2010 *
Step 3. Prepare and Distribute a Draft General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement: Review and comment by the public, park partners, government agencies, and other stakeholders. - Winter 2011
Step 4. Prepare a Final General Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement: Describe the selected alternative and respond to comments received on the draft. - Winter 2012
Step 5. Implement the Approved Plan: Prepare and issue a record of decision and implement the general management plan. - Summer 2012

Send your comments by June 1, 2010 electronically via this NPS planning website.