* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. NPS Internal Scoping to Define Purpose & Need - March 2009
Step 2. Public Scoping to solicit input on potential site locations - November 2009
Step 3. Select Proposed Sites - January 2010
Step 4. Site Visits & Internal Scoping to identify issues - Spring 2010
Step 5. Data collection, resource inventory, and analysis - Summer 2010
Step 6. Preparation of Feasibility Study & Environmental Assessment (FS/EA) - Summer/Fall 2010
Step 7. Internal Agency review of FS/EA - Fall 2010
Step 8. Public Release of FS/EA - Fall 2010
Step 9. Public Scoping to present FS/EA - Winter 2010
Step 10. 30-day Public Comment Period - Winter 2010
Step 11. NPS Decision Document specifying preferred site - Spring 2011 *