The Park has developed a Vegetation Management Plan to establish methods by which to create and then maintain the historic patterns to maximize benefits to the natural and cultural resources. As part of this effort, the NPS has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for an evaluation of alternatives for the Vegetation Management Plan. The plan will look at a variety of treatment options to replicate the vegetative conditions existing in 1862 from farm fields and pastures to forested areas.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need/develop preliminary alternatives
Step 2. Conduct external scoping
Step 3. Refine alternatives
Step 4. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 5. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 6. Public review of draft plan/environmental document *
Step 7. Analysis of public comment
Step 8. Prepare final plan/decision document
Step 9. Release final plan/decision document to the public
Step 10. Prepare and Issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (if warranted)