Superintendent Lee Taylor has announced the proposed development of a Prairie Stewardship Plan. The plan will be used to direct the management of the natural and cultural landscape at American Camp and at English Camp's Young Hill. It will likely rely on a suite of restoration / management tools that would facilitate the park's ability to effectively restore components of the rare island prairie ecosystem.

"We want to know what people think we should be doing to manage the island prairie ecosystem. We are trying to find out what issues are important to ensure that they are included in the environmental impact analysis process," said Superintendent Taylor.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need
Step 2. Conduct public open house meetings *
Step 3. Analyze public scoping comments
Step 4. Develop preliminary alternatives
Step 5. Public Development / Review of Preliminary Alternatives
Step 6. Analyze comments from public review of preliminary alternatives
Step 7. Refine Preliminary Alternatives
Step 8. Conduct Environmental Impact Analysis
Step 9. Select Preferred Alternative
Step 10. Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Step 11. Public Review of Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Step 12. Analyze Public Comments
Step 13. Prepare Final Plan / Environmental Impact Statement
Step 14. Prepare Record of Decision