The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to implement a Deer Management Plan (plan) for Pea Ridge National Military Park (park) in Garfield, Arkansas. The NPS seeks to reduce the number of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) located in the park while avoiding or minimizing impacts to the site. The purpose of the Deer Management Plan is to: 1) reduce the spread of deer-related disease; 2) reduce the number of deer-vehicle strikes in and around the park; and 3) limit the potential for negative impacts to the cultural landscape due to deer browsing.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Public review of draft plan/environmental document *

This Environmental Assessment (EA) describes the no-action alternative and one action alternative and analyzes the environmental consequences of implementing each alternative. Under Alternative A, the no-action alternative, the NPS would maintain current management practices, including not taking measures to reduce the deer population, which is about 135 deer per square mile. Alternative B, the action alternative, would be a deer management plan that would reduce the deer population to 20-35 deer per square mile.