Finding of No Significant Impact

This Finding of No Significant Impact documents the NPS' decision to implement Alternative B. Minimize Erosion with Bank Barbs and Bioengineering. This alternative is the same as that described in the Environmental Assessment. Specifically, the NPS will construct four rock bank barbs, place large woody debris between the barbs and densely plant native vegetation along approximately 500 linear feet of shoreline. Each bank barb will contain approximately 100 cubic yards of large angular rock spalls and fragments. An additional 100 cubic yards of angular rock will be placed between the barbs and amongst the woody debris to anchor the materials and minimize undermining. The total volume of rock placed along the Stehekin River shoreline will not exceed 500 cubic yards, so as to remain in compliance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Nationwide Permit #13 (Bank Stabilization).
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Finding of No Significant Impact   (103.5 KB, PDF file)
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