Sanchez Oil and Gas Corporation's WM Rice #1 Well

Big Thicket National Preserve » Sanchez Oil and Gas Corporation's WM Rice #1 Well » Document List

Sanchez Oil and Gas Corporation proposed to drill and produce the WM Rice #1 well from a surface location within the Turkey Creek Unit of Big Thicket National Preserve in Tyler County, Texas. The National Park Service released a public scoping notice for this proposal on October 21, 2004, announcing a 30-day public scoping period to solicit public comments on the proposal prior to completing an environmental analysis of the proposal. Sanchez's lease expired on May 21, 2006, and no further progress was made on this proposal.

Contact Information

Big Thicket National Preserve
Attn: Dusty Pate
6044 FM 420
Kountze, TX 77625

409 951-6822
409 951-6868 fax