Public Comment Form; Chiricahua National Monument, Campground rate increase

Chiricahua National Monument » Public Comment Form; Chiricahua National Monument, Campground rate increase » Document List

Park Management is considering an increase in the camping fee at Bonita Canyon Campground in Chiricahua National Monument. The fees collected at Chiricahua National Monument remain in the park to directly benefit park operations. The Park continues to have a growing need for funds to improve facilities, infrastructure and visitor services in parks, with Campground restroom renovations and Campground visitor wi-fi access projects planned for 2024. The new revenue from the fee increase will be used to provide enhanced visitor services including repair and maintenance of facilities, capital improvements, resource protection and additional visitor programs and services. There will be an emphasis on park-deferred maintenance projects.

Contact Information

Tiffany Powers, 520.824.3560 x9307