Rehabilitate Weir Farm Caretaker's Garage Outbuilding

Weir Farm National Historical Park » Rehabilitate Weir Farm Caretaker's Garage Outbuilding » Document List

This project will rehabilitate the historic Caretaker's Garage at Weir Farm National Historic Site and add a compatible addition on the footprint of the formerly appended barn at the south end of the garage. The rehabilitated structure will be used as an artist studio for the artist-in-residence program managed by the Weir Farm Art Center, the park's programming partner. The project is in keeping with the Weir Farm National Historic Site General Management Plan 1995 which states, "The caretaker's garage/barn will be rehabilitated and enlarged by building a compatible new addition following the footprint of the missing section, to create studio space for the artists-in-residence program."

The design for the rehabilitated studio was prepared by Faesy- Smith Architects, Wilton, CT. Construction will be contracted and supervised by the National Park Service's Denver Service Center with assistance from the Architectural Preservation Division in Lowell, Massachusetts. Funding is being provided in part by the Weir Farm Art Center with matching grants from the National Park Service's Save-America's-Treasures Program and the National Park Service Centennial Challenge Program. Centennial funding is in recognition of the upcoming National Park Service Centennial in 2016.

Though in extremely poor condition, the existing garage is a key building to the park's cultural landscape and use as a historic farm property. The garage has been fully documented to historic preservation standards and the first step will be to carefully dismantle the building in anticipation of the rehabilitation. In addition, changes to the structure will be necessary to adapt its rough construction (dirt floor and low headroom) for code compliant occupancy and art studio use. All proposed alterations to the caretaker's garage for its adaptive reuse as a studio are allowable and appropriate under the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. An elaboration on the project's relation to the Secretary's standards called "Measures to Prevent Loss" is available from the park upon request.

Contact Information

Linda Cook, Superintendent, Weir Farm NHS
(203) 834-1896 x23