Kerr McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP's Kountze 3-D Seismic Survey - Plan of Operations Supplement

Big Thicket National Preserve » Kerr McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP's Kountze 3-D Seismic Survey - Plan of Operations Supplement » Document List

Kerr McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP (Kerr McGee) has a National Park Service (NPS) approved plan of operations to conduct a three-dimensional geophysical (3-D seismic) survey in portions of the Big Sandy Creek Corridor, Lance Rosier, Turkey Creek, and Village Creek Corridor Units of Big Thicket National Preserve (Preserve). The 3-D seismic data collection is being accomplished using acoustic reflection methodology where sources of vibration are created and then recorded at various points along a grid to develop an image of the subsurface in three dimensions. The data will be utilized in the search for hydrocarbon resources in the area covered by the survey. For this operation, Kerr McGee is primarily utilizing explosive charges placed within shotholes approximately 100 feet in depth (source points) as the energy source to generate the vibrations. However, on lands owned by the United States within the project area, Kerr McGee proposed "cable-only" methodology where no source points would be placed. According to the approved plan of operations for the project, Kerr McGee's operations on federal lands are limited to surveying locations for receiver points, and the placement and subsequent removal of those receivers to record the vibrations generated at outside source points.

Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. subsection 9.52(a), the Superintendent of the Preserve gives notice that in accordance with NPS regulations for nonfederal oil and gas rights, Kerr McGee requested that the NPS consider a supplement to the approved plan of operations for the Kountze 3-D seismic survey. Kerr McGee proposed to conduct vibroseis operations along Little Rock Road in the Lance Rosier Unit of the Preserve in Hardin County, Texas. Eleven vibroseis points were completed along the eastern end of the road by Kerr McGee during the week of December 17, 2006. This activity occurred before the NPS became aware of the operation. The NPS informed Kerr McGee that the operations were occurring within the Preserve, and that such activity was not permitted under the existing plan of operations for the project. Kerr McGee proposed vibroseis operations at an additional thirty-two points along the road. According to Kerr McGee, this represents approximately five hours of operations. These operations will be limited to the surface of Little Rock Road, and will consist of four vibroseis trucks in a line traveling up the road and conducting operations at each of the pre-determined points. The operations at each point willl consist of positioning the trucks, lowering a 4 x 8 foot pressure plate from each truck until contact is made with the road surface, applying 44,000 lbs of pressure to the surface and then vibrating the plates in unison at a signal from a recording truck outside the Preserve. The energy from the vibrations will be received in the same manner as that produced outside the Preserve. Little Rock Road will be closed to traffic during the vibroseis operation. After the vibroseis operation is completed, the road surface would be re-graded by Kerr McGee. Kerr McGee will offset vibroseis operations from sites of resource concern as indicated by the NPS. Third-party monitors will observe the operations to ensure compliance with the supplemented plan of operations.

A categorical exclusion form was completed by the NPS regarding the supplement to the plan of operations.

Contact Information

Big Thicket National Preserve
Attn: Dusty Pate
6044 FM 420
Kountze, TX 77625