General Management Plan

Oregon Caves National Monument » General Management Plan » Document List

We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the final Oregon Caves National Monument General Management Plan. The release of this final plan signals the end of a nearly three year planning process. The completion of the final plan now provides the management and staff at Oregon Caves National Monument with a clear blueprint or road map to follow regarding those actions that are needed to help ensure the future long-term protection and public use of the Monument.

The fact that the management planning process was conducted in a public forum makes our efforts even more important. The National Park Service recognizes and appreciates the extent of public interest in the general management plan for Oregon Caves National Monument, as evidenced by the 982 written responses we received, along with the participation in the public workshops held last spring, and the public scoping meetings that were held earlier. Your input and comment provides an important contribution to the dcision-making process, and helps us to shape the long-term management decisions about public use and the protection of the Monument. Many of the changes that have been made in the final plan are reflective of that input.

The completion of this plan is not the end, but the beginning. The implementation of many of the elements contained within the plan will require the continued support and assistance of interested organizations and individuals, including the people of the Illinois Valley and southern Oregon. The public is also encouraged to seek out volunteer opportunities that will be available at both the Monument and at the Illinois Valley Visitor Center. This assistance could be to help answer questions about Oregon Caves and other attractions in the area, welcoming the public to the Illinois Valley, performing other valuable visitor services, or helping to study, understand, protect and preserve the Monument's natural and historic features.

We will strive to manage Oregon Caves National Monument as a precious resource that has been entrusted to our care by the American people and in a manner which is deserving of your continued trust.

Craig Ackerman

November 1998

Contact Information

Craig Ackerman
Oregon Caves National Monument
19000 Caves Highway
Cave Junction, Oregon 97523