Seismic Assistants, Ltd. Temporary Access Permit Request to Conduct Vegetation Sampling and Mapping

Big Thicket National Preserve » Seismic Assistants, Ltd. Temporary Access Permit Request to Conduct Vegetation Sampling and Mapping » Document List

As per 36 CFR 9.38, on May 16, 2006, Seismic Assistants, Ltd. (SAL) requested temporary access to Big Thicket National Preserve in order to sample and map vegetation within a proposed three-dimensional seismic survey project area. SAL has submitted a sampling plan to the NPS entitled "Seismic Assistants, Ltd's Knight Phase IV 3D: Big Thicket National Preserve Turkey Creek Unit Vegetation Mapping and Sampling Plan." The NPS has reviewed the plan, and finds that the data generated would provide a baseline with which to compare the results of a similar post-project survey, meets NPS Inventory and Monitoring Program standards and could be utilized in the design of the SAL Knight Phase IV 3-D Seismic Survey.

Contact Information

Haigler "Dusty" Pate
Biologist, Oil and Gas Program Manager
National Park Service
Big Thicket National Preserve
6044 FM 420
Kountze, TX 77625
409-951-6868 fax