Seismic Assistants Ltd Supplemental Temporary Access Permit Request to Conduct a Wetland Delineation

Big Thicket National Preserve » Seismic Assistants Ltd Supplemental Temporary Access Permit Request to Conduct a Wetland Delineation » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) received a work plan for a wetlands delineation entitled "Dixie Environmental Services Co.'s (DESCO's) Proposed Scope of Work for Wetland Delineation of SAL's Drill Access Routes and Source Point Locations within the Turkey Creek, Big Sandy Creek Corridor, and Village Creek Corridor Units of the Big Thicket National Preserve" on July 19, 2006. This scope of work has been developed with the guidance of the NPS in order to develop a plan of operations for the Knight Phase IV 3-D Seismic Survey, and to delineate the possible impacts of the survey on wetlands within Big Thicket National Preserve.

Contact Information

Haigler "Dusty" Pate
Biologist, Oil and Gas Program Manager
National Park Service
Big Thicket National Preserve
6044 FM 420
Kountze, TX 77625
409-951-6868 fax