Stehekin Ferry Landing Improvement Project (2010)

North Cascades National Park Service Complex » Stehekin Ferry Landing Improvement Project (2010) » Document List

June 2, 2010

Dear Friend of Lake Chelan National Recreation Area:

Enclosed for your information is a Finding of No Significant Impact concerning the National Park Service's proposal to construct a universally accessible facility at the Stehekin Ferry Landing in Lake Chelan National Recreation Area.

This project will substantially enhance the suite of universally-accessible facilities at the Stehekin Ferry Landing. It is also the most notable improvement to the Stehekin Ferry Landing in almost forty years.

The enclosed Finding of No Significant Impact specifically documents the National Park Service's decision to implement Alternative II and install a fixed walkway along the western bulkhead of the existing boat launch/winter Ferry Landing. Construction is scheduled to begin during low water conditions in late November or early December 2010 and should be completed by June 2011.

A common theme raised during public review of this proposal was to reduce the overall footprint of the facility. We are pleased to note that the design team has reduced the width of the fixed walkway from 18' to 17', and reduced the number of mooring pilings from 16 to 10. In addition, the "moveable wedge" component has been eliminated, so there will be no moving parts.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this project, please visit our website for more information ( or contact Kerri Cook, Facility Operations Specialist (360.854.7280;


<s> Palmer L. Jenkins


Contact Information

Kerri Cook, Facility Management Specialist
(360) 854-7280