Wastewater Treatment Improvements for the City of Sulphur

Chickasaw National Recreation Area » Wastewater Treatment Improvements for the City of Sulphur » Document List

Superintendent's Note:
Chickasaw National Recreation Area (CNRA) is working with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) as a cooperating agency, with OWRB as the lead agency. Normally, CNRA will publish the Environmental Assessment (EA) for public review and if no significant effects on the human environment has been found, then a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) will be published as the final decision. In this case, since OWRB is the lead agency, they will be publishing the EA and the FONSI together for the public to review. After the review period has ended OWRB will publish a final decision. Thank you for your cooperation in this process.

The City of Sulphur (City) existing wastewater treatment plant is located southwest of the City on City-owned property within the Chickasaw National Recreation Area (CNRA). The treatment plant is a 0.85 million gallon per day (MGD) Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) type facility, with the SBR units constructed in 1989. Original treatment plant construction occurred in the 1960s. Treated effluent transported to the west of the treatment facilities, through approximately four miles of existing effluent force-main, and discharged into Dry Sandy Creek.

The City is currently under the enforceable requirements of an Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) Consent Order for wastewater treatment system deficiencies, including inadequate treatment capacity at the wastewater treatment plant. To provide adequate treatment capacity and efficiency, and to meet the requirements of the ODEQ Consent Order, the
City is proposing improvements to its existing wastewater treatment plant, including the construction of a new three-basin SBR system, new flow equalization basin within the existing treatment plant confines, new pre-aeration basin, refitting the existing blower building with new blowers, head works rehabilitation, new aerobic digester, new primary lift station, gravity belt thickener with filter press, and all other related appurtenances. As part ofthe proposed project, approximately three miles of the existing antiquated effluent force-main, constructed in 1963, will be replaced within existing right-of-way, and the existing discharge location moved west to a new location on Dry Sandy Creek, closer to the Washita River. Proposed treatment plant capacity and effluent Waste Load Allocations
will be in accordance with the City's pending 208 Water Quality Management Plan revisions.

The Environmental Assessment (EA), enclosed, indicates the proposed project should not result in any significant adverse impacts to the area's environmental quality. After a review of the project by state and federal agencies, as described in the EA, any CWSRF loan funding for this project shall be conditioned to read as follows: If any threatened or endangered plant or animal species or archeological materials are discovered during construction, work will cease immediately and the OWRB will be notified so that they may proceed in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations ofthe Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (36 CFR, Part 800); The five National Park Service conditions contained in the accompanying Environmental Assessment shall be fulfilled by the City of Sulphur (Sulphur MA) as part of the proposed

Contact Information

Precious Braggs - 580-622-7262